I didn’t do much biking today:) . (bikeshare in the snow at Mt Tabor:) . I did try to ride my dad’s old bike for half a second — it’s our beater loaner bike and has fatter tires than mine — but it was kind of hilarious how ineffective it …
The most delightful!! :) Whenever there’s snow in the forecast in Portland I am a bit skeptical, but today it’s actually happening! And in a great stroke of luck, I had scheduled myself not to work until this afternoon since my last two days have been really long. Hence, snow …
Maybe this is cheating? In that it’s not a picture I took from biking exactly, but a picture of the logistics surrounding biking today? . (bike with trail tools;) . I think I’ve mentioned this before, but the three of us in my office have two work trucks that we …
Oh man, it has been a fricken day and it feels like so very very long ago that I was biking to work. But I took the loooong way to work this morning because it was so sunny and I had some extra morning time. Hooooo boy was it cold! …