Happy new year! :)
This morning I went for a fake-commute bike ride, something I’ve been doing regularly since the beginning of COVID. It involves riding my bicycle from my house back to my house on days that I work from home, for no reason other than the fact that my days are always better if they start with being outside, be it on a bike ride or a run. When I fake-commute, I usually ride between 12 and 18 miles, depending on how early I get up and where I want to ride, which is about how far my real commute is when I ride to my office.

And as I was leaving the house in the dark this morning and wondering why I was riding when I could be snuggling in bed, I had the thought that the best parts of life are made up of the things that I don’t have to do but do anyway, even if they seem hard to start with, because I know they ultimately make me happy. There is absolutely no need for me to get up early and ride my bike or go running; I could sleep longer, roll out of bed, and immediately get on my computer when work starts. But it’s the things that I don’t have to do but choose to do, even when they seem initially inconvenient, that make my life the life I like.
As if to reward me for my efforts this morning, the universe delivered an amazing sunrise. Which was all the more special because most of the rest of today it’s been gloomy and rainy and grey, so I’m extra grateful that I got all the colors of this morning on my totally unnecessary fake commute to nowhere.