This is some of the weather I love most, the rain followed by bursts of sunshine that make the just-passed and the also-still-impending dark clouds even more dramatic. The thickening air that smells, everywhere, like flowers. The bird songs — not the bird chatter, but the actual songs, the musical broadcast that someone is ready to make some babies. The flying insects emerging from their winter. The shocking snowiness of the mountains when they materialize several days later from the clouds, and the way that at any moment when I leave on my bike I might end up dry or I might get fully and totally soaked. Or hailed on.
It’s rainbow season and I love it!!

(maybe the best one, from the Hawthorne Bridge)

(same bike ride; different rainbow, from the Willamette Greenway trail)

(this one reminded me of the kind of indeterminate rainbow you’d see in a waterfall, and I loved it)

(and another full rainbow over Ladd’s circle, showcasing some blooming camellias:)
As they say (does anyone actually say this? ha), without rain, there are no rainbows;) And what I say is: bring on rainbow season!