another soaking day; time for some rainy poetry

heh. Portland for sure is a rainy place, but it’s been rainy even by Portland standards lately. Aside from the flood craziness at the beginning of this week, I’ve spent an awful lot of time in the last few days getting dumped on.

death valley rain

(and none of this cutesy desert “rain,” either;)

Which means it’s time for some rainy-day poetry! Nothing like cheesy haiku to get you motivated.


many kinds of wet:

skin-wet, socks-and-underwear wet

wet down to my soul


dark, empty trails…

swoosh-wet tires heard only by

robin and rabbit



rain pours down my helmet, face, neck

watered, my grin grows


So there you go. With that ode to wet, I’m off into the rain on a mini bike adventure — not camping, this time, but staying warm and dry (at least, at night:).

In the meantime, if you add your own cheesy weather haiku to the comments (or email me!), I will love it:) Happy rainy adventures to you all!


  1. Stayed semi dry today
    Because I was at Bike Craft
    Trying to sell stuff

    • On my way trainward
      almost stopped by–but didn’t want
      more stuff to carry

      heh. Since I would have had to schlep it for the next 5 days;) Hope it’s going well for you!

  2. My cheesy one:

    rain and flood up north —
    to a land of drought and brown,
    exquisite torment

    • That’s a great one! So great I can’t even respond in poetry! :)

      Both of y’all rock for stepping up to the cheesy poetry table:)

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