Awwww fall:)

These are the days!!

The days of crisp mornings where the energy just crackles around me as I ride to work, or anywhere.

The days of the beginnings of fallen leaves.

The days of cozy evenings with tea.



The days of crazed squirrels in the streets doing their crazed fall-squirrel hoarding dance; the days of figs dripping from trees; the days of apples and corn and squash.

The days where I want to laugh and jump and cartwheel and dance, or everything at once.

The days where I wake up in the middle of the night to the almost alarming sound of migrating geese, honks honks honks for what felt like minutes; I didn’t see them, but I imagine black shadows slipping through the moonlight on their cacophonous journey south.

The days of swift migrations, hawk migrations, the first days of bufflehead — welcome back to our early winter ducks!

The days where I want to ride and ride and ride and ride and ride, to take advantage of every single drop of glorious daylight, every single ounce of these amazing, perfect days, all the more precious because there are so few of them before the gloom starts.

I am so in love with life right now.

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