Time for Portland waterfront cherry blossoms

Oh my gosh, Portland! In the next week and a half, the waterfront cherry blossoms are going to be amazing with blooms!

waterfront cherry blossoms(yesterday afternoon after a quick rainstorm:)

waterfront cherry blossoms 2(oh my gosh — so excited!!)

They’re not open in all their glory yet, but they will be soon. Go visit! Go down to the Steel Bridge with your friends or your soulmates! Go wander under the trees and breathe deeply and hold hands with someone you like. Go take yourself on a picnic date with something delicious from a nearby food cart. Go take pictures. Go sneeze and pretend you don’t get allergies. Go revel in the awesomeness of springtime!!

So excited!!

mt tabor blossoms(or, if the waterfront is too far, go check out Mt Tabor, which has similar displays!)

YAY springtime!!


  1. NE 72nd right off of Sandy in Roseway neighborhood has a beautiful display too! I noticed they were all blooming yesterday on my bike ride. So gorgeous!

    • Nice! Thanks for the flower tip! That seems like it would be a cool project for some technologically savvy person: mapping out all the excellent bloom times and locations in the area:)

      I’ll have to take a ride up to Roseway! YAY!

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