Happy new year!

For a few months now, alongside my job, I’ve been taking some botany and natural resources classes at Oregon State University (through their E-campus system, that is, which is fully remote and asynchronous, which is how it plays nicely with full-time work). What that means, blogging-wise, is that you can …

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Winter sunrises

Is it possible that winter sunrises are just more dramatic than any other season? Certainly one of you out there knows the science of this, and I welcome your insights. (For realz, please tell me what you know about this.) But I swear, the sunrises this late fall and early …

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Good Bones

I thought of this poem, which I read once upon a time who knows how long ago and had to go questing for again in a ridiculous internet search (thanks Poetry Foundation!) because it seems right in line both with what I wrote last and also with how it’s hard …

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