bike picture o’ the day

This is my new favorite picture of my bike:

lupine trek n burley

It’s got (almost:) all the essentials for a happy stasia:

  • lupine, playing the role of nature
  • my bike and burley, playing the role of human-powered adventure
  • and, of course, mostly-blue skies, sunshine, and open road, playing themselves.

And yes. I really did just post a picture of my bike as though it were my only child that I’m oh so proud of. That’s right. :)


  1. Beau vélo, belle photo. Mais un jour, j’espère que tu connaitras la joie ineffable d’avoir une autre petite personne qui crée ta joie, sans qui tu ne peux pas imaginer vivre. :-)

    Tu peux toujours acheter un vélo!

    • heh. Pour cela, j’emprunte les enfants d’autres–j’aime pouvoir les rendre avant qu’ils commencent à trop pleurer;)

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